Here are some of the bundled and individual services that I offer. Contact me for pricing.

Becoming a Policy Expert

Need to learn a lot—quickly—about a complex policy issue? I can help.

  • I’ll start with my signature “landscape analysis,” covering current laws and regulations, pending federal and/or state legislation, and anything else relevant. Most people don’t have time to immerse themselves in the daily workings of Capitol Hill, and so I boil my findings down into the need-to-know.

  • I also do an in-depth examination of recent media coverage, which provides a fuller view of what’s going on, along with industry news. All of this goes into a comprehensive—but easy-to-digest—report to help you navigate the policy landscape with confidence.

    Learn more.

On the Job

Looking to enter or re-enter the job market? Want to shape up your résumé before going for a big promotion or a new opportunity? Allow me to assist.

  • After discussing your career objectives with you so I can get a better sense of them, I’ll do a thorough, tailored overhaul of your résumé.

  • I’ll also help you put together a cover letter that highlights your accomplishments and helps you stand out.

    Learn more.

Advocacy 101

Looking to venture into the world of advocacy? Let me be your guide!

  • I’ll give you basic guidance on advocacy strategy, including identification of key legislators, committees, caucuses, legislation, and allied advocacy organizations.

  • I’ll provide an “Advocacy 101” training for you and your team, giving you all of the information you need to know before, after, and during a Capitol Hill day.

  • Finally, I can also provide assistance with scheduling for Capitol Hill days (priced separately).

    Learn more.

  • Editing and proofreading. Over the years, I’ve worked on everything from doctoral dissertations to non-fiction books to news articles, and I’m passionate about helping people turn good papers into perfect ones. What’s more, I’ve watched many of the clients I’ve worked with become stronger and more confident writers, which is incredibly rewarding. Let me help you take your writing to the next level!

  • Grant writing. Looking for some funding? Let me help guide you through the process!

  • Copywriting and website content development. Want to take your site content to the next level? I’ve worked with a variety of clients to do just that.

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A La Carte Services